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Legislation Update Simplified Invoices for VAT Refunds in France – November 2024

To be eligible for a refund, receipts with taxable amounts over €150 must include specific information, i.e., full details of both the purchaser and the supplier.

We inform customers that the French VAT office has introduced new guidelines for the validity of refunds on purchases in France using simplified invoices (receipts). To be eligible for a VAT refund on taxable amounts over €150, receipts must include specific information, such as supplier and customer details, reference number, details about the goods or services, and VAT rate. Receipts that do not meet these requirements will be rejected. We encourage customers to request regular invoices to ensure reimbursement. For more details, you can refer to the legal article-Article 242h A of the CGI.



Eurovignette System: New for 2025

As of Jan. 1, 2025, the countries that still adopt the “Eurovignette” system for paying road tolls, namely the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Sweden, will apply a 1.9 percent increase on tariffs for motor vehicles and vehicle complexes over 12 tons.
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